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Kohberg and the environment

Our concern for the environment

Our environmental concerns begin long before we put the bread in the oven. We already take the environment into consideration when we choose our ingredients and packaging.

At Kohberg, we bake a lot of bread every day - in large ovens and for many hours at a time. Therefore, it is crucial that we utilise the energy most efficiently for the sake of the environment. When we at Kohberg bake a lot of bread and pastries every day, we cannot avoid consuming lots of energy in the form of electricity, water and heat. We are aware of this, which is why we are continuously working on reducing our consumption. Our large-scale production does, however, also have some advantages for the energy consumption and thus the environment - especially if you compare it to the fact that the same amount of bread had to be baked one by one at home in kitchens.

Packaging material

Recyclable plastic

As a food company, we consider factors such as food safety, food waste and storage when choosing packaging. And even though it is a vilified material, plastic packaging is still the best solution to avoid food waste for our customers and consumers. The plastic packaging keeps bread and buns fresh for a long time, and at the same time, the plastic packaging weighs very little, reducing the environmental impact of transport. 

Today, 89% of our plastic packaging is made from recyclable plastics and we are working hard to get recyclable packaging for all our products.

We can’t avoid plastic packaging, but we are working continuously and purposefully to use only recyclable plastics while reducing the amount of plastic we use.
Britt Hougaard Head of Marketing, Innovation & Communication
Food waste at Kohberg

Sourdough prevents food waste

Sourdough is an important ingredient in our rye bread, and we “feed” our sourdough every day with rye bread left over from production. All other discards from our bakeries go to local farmers who can use the bread, rolls and pastries to feed their animals. In this way, we keep the food waste from our own production to an absolute minimum.