

If you need some extra flavour for your menu, we have baked a new and innovative bread with true attention to detail. Cut a thick slice of Seeds bread, baked with 11 different tasty seeds, grains and kernels, which make up 45% of the bread. This makes for a gorgeous, nutty flavour. So good, it can be eaten as is - without any toppings.
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approx. 750 g. - 10000365

Defrost in the bag for at least 5 hours at room temperature before baking. Baking time: 15-18 minutes at 180 °C. Don´t bake straight from the freezer.
Ingredients: water, sourdough (water, Rye flour*), sunflower seeds, rye kernels*, barley grit*, rye flour*, oat flakes*, linseeds, blue poppy seeds, wheat gluten, millet, maize, pumpkin seeds, durum wheat flour, iodized salt, chia seeds, yellow linseeds, barley malt extract, fermented wheat flour,, yeast. Topping: Cracked rye kernels*. *Wholegrain.

  • 1078/258
  • 10 .
  • 28
  • 7,8
  • 10
  • 1,2

  • 14 $Global.Pieces
  • : -18 °C ($ProductDetails.Details.Storage.DoNotFreeze)
  • 10500 $Global.Grams
  • 750 $Global.Grams
  • 300 $Global.Minutes
  • 21 °C
  • 15-18 $Global.Minutes
  • 180 °C
  • : 56 $Global.Pieces
  • : 365 $ProductDetail.LifespanFromTimeOfProduction.Label