

Italian-inspired sandwich baked with sourdough and wheat, durum and wholemeal flour. Pre-cut for convenience. Easy-to-serve.
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approx. 130 g. - 18732003

Preparation: If you wish, you can just thaw and serve. For a light crisp crust, defrost before baking. Baking time: about 4 minutes at 180°C. Baking time straight from the freezer: about 5 minutes at 180°C.
Ingredients: Wheat flour, water, durum wheat flour, olive pomaceoil, whole grain wheat flour, iodized salt, dried sourdough (wheat flour, sourdough culture), sugar, dry yeast, flour treatment agent (E300).

  • 1236/293
  • 7,3 .
  • 47
  • 2,4
  • 8,7
  • 1,5

  • 32 $Global.Pieces
  • : -18 °C ($ProductDetails.Details.Storage.DoNotFreeze)
  • 4160 $Global.Grams
  • 130 $Global.Grams
  • 4 $Global.Minutes
  • 180 °C
  • : 40 $Global.Pieces
  • : 365 $ProductDetail.LifespanFromTimeOfProduction.Label