Organic Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds in baking bag

Org. Rye Bread with Sunflower Seeds

Our Organic Rye Bread is a bake-in-the-bag product that stays light and fresh for longer. We bake it with sourdough, rye and wheat flours, and add sunflower seeds and whole grain rye. The bread is sliced.
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27 slices, approx. 950 g. - 10027000

Preparation: Defrost in the plastic bag for approx. 5 hours at room temperature and bake in the plastic packaging at 100°C for 35-40 minutes. Handle carefully as the frozen packaging is fragile.
Ingredients: Water, Rye kernels*^ 18%, sourdough* (rye flour*^ 11%, water), sifted rye flour* 14%, sunflower seeds* 8%, linseed* 5%, rye flour*^ 3%, whole grain wheat flour*^ 2%, barley malt extract*, iodized salt, apple fibres*, dried sourdough (rye flour*^, sourdough culture), yeast, flour treatment agents (E300). *Organic/^Whole grain

  • 1013/242
  • 7 .
  • 33
  • 8,6
  • 7,1
  • 1,1

  • 8 $Global.Pieces
  • : -18 °C ($ProductDetails.Details.Storage.DoNotFreeze)
  • 7600 $Global.Grams
  • 950 $Global.Grams
  • 300 $Global.Minutes
  • 21 °C
  • 35-40 $Global.Minutes
  • 100 °C
  • : 56 $Global.Pieces
  • : 365 $ProductDetail.LifespanFromTimeOfProduction.Label