Rye Kernel Rye Bread in baking bag

Rye Kernel Rye Bread in baking bag

Let your guests enjoy a classic, dark rye bread filled with kernels. It comes in a baking bag to keep the bread moist. It is baked with sourdough, rye and wheat flour, and we have added tasty rye kernels. The bread is sliced, flexible and ideal for traditional open sandwiches.
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27 slices, approx. 1150 g. - 18981000

Baking instructions: Defrost in the plastic bag for approx. 5 hours at room temperature and bake in the plastic packaging at 100 °C for 35-40 minutes. Handle carefully as the frozen packaging is fragile.
Ingredients: sourdough (Rye flour*, water), water, sifted rye flour, rye kernels* 14 %, rye flour*, wheat flour, barley malt extract, iodized salt, yeast, flour treatment agent (E300). *: Whole grain.

  • 880/208
  • 0,8 .
  • 41
  • 7
  • 5,7
  • 1,1

  • 8 $Global.Pieces
  • : -18 °C ($ProductDetails.Details.Storage.DoNotFreeze)
  • 9200 $Global.Grams
  • 1150 $Global.Grams
  • 300 $Global.Minutes
  • 21 °C
  • 35-40 $Global.Minutes
  • 100 °C
  • : 72 $Global.Pieces
  • : 365 $ProductDetail.LifespanFromTimeOfProduction.Label