The main ingredient in our baked goods has been flour from grains grown, harvested, and milled in Denmark. We bake with Danish flour because the control of Danish crops is incredibly thorough, and this means that with Danish flour we are guaranteed a high food safety, which we can pass on to our customers.
Danish flour reduces carbon
A significant part of the bread’s carbon emissions occurs when the ingredients are transported from the mills to the bakeries, which is one of the reasons why we at Kohberg have chosen to bake with flour grown and milled in Denmark. Studies by the Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture show that bread baked with Danish flour emits about 20% less carbon because the flour does not have to be transported here from abroad.
At Kohberg, we have a policy of using flour that comes from grain grown without straw-shortening agents and without pesticides containing glyphosate. Our internal requirements are more strict than the EU's rules in this area, and by choosing Danish flour, we are absolutely certain that we live up to our own high standards - because the control of Danish crops and food is more thorough.