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Code of conduct

Our principles

At Kohberg, we have a special focus on climate, health and people, which forms the columns of our CSR work. In March 2024, Kohberg's bakery in Bolderslev, Denmark, was SMETA audited according to the world’s most widely used audit to measure a company's work with CSR initiatives, including working conditions, environmental performance and business ethics.

All areas of Human Rights, Employee Rights, Environment and Anti-Corruption were assessed as satisfactory in 2022, as they are covered by our Code of Conduct, as well as law in ‘low risk countries’.

We work to reduce our impact on the environment and climate and consider our efforts to be mainly ‘green’ in this area. We are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and believe that this area remains an important focus.

The purpose pf Kohberg Bakery Group A/S’ “Code of conduct” is to create and promote responsible working conditions all over the world. 

We are increasingly experiencing that our customers are demanding transparency throughout the value chain. With a SMETA audit, we at Kohberg obtain a 'license to supply' and can now offer our international customers high-quality baked goods, while playing with open cards in the way we do business. This we believe creates value for current and future collaborations.

Human Rights

  • Kohberg is against the violation of internationally proclaimed human rights and does not wish to do business with suppliers who do not share this position
  • Kohberg and the supplier commit themselves to observe local laws and standards in those countries in which Kohberg or the supplier does business
  • The supplier is committed to supervision, that its sub-suppliers comply with local rules and legislation, as well as the international human rights

Employee Rights

  • The supplier is committed to respecting the employees' rights to unionize and to collective bargaining
  • The supplier is committed not to profit from forced labour
  • The supplier is committed to observing the ILO (International Labour Organisation) convention's recommendations regarding the minimum age of engagement. The minimum age is (developed countries/ less developed countries): 13/12 years for light work; 15/14 years for normal work and 18/18 years for dangerous work
  • The supplier is committed to refraining from involving in or profiting from child labour, which is defined here as work which threatens the child's health, education and development, even though it might be in conformity with the ILO conventions regarding age and type of work
  • The supplier is committed to refraining from all kinds of the discrimination of his employees due to race, colour, political opinion, national or social origin


  • The supplier is committed to complying with local laws and standards in relation to environment matters
  • The supplier must proactively take the necessary precautions and initiatives in order to minimise negative consequences of its activities

Working environment

  • A healthy and safe working environment, living up to current laws and regulations, must be ensured. As a minimum it must be ensured that facilities observe the current local laws regarding health, safety, and environment and working conditions

Anti Corruption

  • Companies ought to oppose to all kind of corruption including blackmail and bribery
  • Corruption of any kind, be that bribery, blackmail or secret commission, is considered unacceptable by Kohberg irrespective of local legislation and practices. Therefore, the supplier is committed to refraining from involving in or profiting from corruption in connection with deliveries to Kohberg