The secret behind our rye bread dates back a long way: We can track the recipe of our sourdough back to 1903, and the well-kept secret is possibly even older. Back then, there was a tradition of exchanging sourdough between the bakers, and in that way, they found out how to bake the best bread.
The right sourdough is the secret to good rye bread, and our sourdough is our pride and a proud baking tradition that continues to work. Therefore, our bakers take good care of the sourdough every single day in order for us to continue to bake good rye bread.
Check out our selection of rye bread here.
Our rye bread would not taste as it does without our skilled bakers, who know the ingredients and use the necessary time to ensure that we can always deliver consistent quality. The good rye bread comes from a long process where many parameters must align. We observe, taste, smell and feel.
It takes people rather than machines to bake really good bread, and our entire focal point is the love for good craftmanship.