What the Danes call 'højbelagt smørrebrød' (highly layered Danish open sandwiches) dates back to the 1880s and, as the name suggests, you can barely see the bread under the cold cuts and garnishes. That's why smørrebrød is eaten with cutlery.
Danish smørrebrød is flourishing
Danish smørrebrød is still thriving – just in different guises with influences from abroad and new trends. That's why in recent years we've seen a marked interest in rye bread from abroad, and many cafés have put rye bread sandwiches on the menu. In this context, the avocado, among others, has gained popularity as a delicious and tasty topping on the rye bread or in the sandwich.
In other words, the classic smørrebrød varieties have followed the trends of the time and been given a modern twist. Today, the sandwiches are expected to be a gastronomic experience in taste, texture and visual appeal.