Good-quality ingredients
Danish crops
The main ingredient in our baked goods has been flour from grains grown, harvested, and milled in Denmark. We bake with Danish flour because the control of Danish crops is incredibly thorough, and this means that with Danish flour we are guaranteed a high food safety, which we can pass on to our customers.
Certified palm oil
Since 2014, Kohberg has been certified by RSPO - the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil - and the requirement to use only RSPO certified palm oil applies throughout our supply chain.

Danish flour is a very important parameter for us, and we continue to work to introduce more Danish-produced good-quality ingredients.

Always barn or organic eggs
At Kohberg, we take responsibility for our choice of ingredients, and we set high standards on behalf of our customers. We don’t just comply with official rules and legal requirements - we go even further. That’s why we have a firm requirement that no eggs from caged hens may be used in Kohberg’s bread and cakes. It is an absolute requirement for our ingredient suppliers that the eggs they deliver to us are either barn or organic eggs.